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14 Real Life Situations Solved By Game Tactics

Ever wished real life had cheat codes? You’re not alone. Here’s a slice of how life really should be, courtesy of PlayStation.

1. See your ex in public? Pull out a cardboard box and hide underneath it.

2. If you're feeling low on energy, just eat some ham to restore your health.

3. Can’t find your friend in a crowd? Key in a special code and make their head oversized and easy to spot.

4. Fix your growing poverty by just running straight at coins with your face/body.

5. Want to beat the crowd? Power up and smash through to get to your destination.

6. Giving a presentation and have no ideas? Pull out that thing you picked up earlier.

7. Late for work? Just take the secret shortcut.

8. Uncle won’t get the video camera out of your face for the home movie? Just casually blow it up.

9. Want to know what's really on someone's mind? Talk to them multiple times to get the true story.

10. Don’t like your job? Just jump out the window. There will be absolutely no consequences.

11. Made a super awkward comment on a first date? Revert to previous save file.

12. Just irrevocably broken and injured? Go to sleep to regain health and save.

13. Have to drive somewhere really boring? Just make sure you've got the coolest car ever. You'll barely notice.

14. Just too angry to continue? Make like you're turning the console off, and just leave.

At least videogames understand us.

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