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35 Puppies, Because Puppies

Can you make it through this post without needing a puppy?

1. Gosh, puppies.

Aren't they just the cutest things ever? So cute you want to frame them.

2. Puppies are the best when they're learning to walk.

3. Puppies love everything and everyone.

Even cats can't get mad at puppies.

4. Look at this puppy, who just arrived in the mail:

5. Look at this puppy trying so hard to get out of a bowl:

We want to help her, but also, we kind of don't because this is so cute to watch.

6–11. Look at these little puppies sharing a toy:

12. Look at this puppy, listening to you while you tell him about your day:

13–14. Some puppies are brave warriors.

15. Some puppies like to lick babies' faces, and IT IS SO CUTE GOSH IT IS SO CUTE, GUYS:

16. This puppy wakes up when it smells a snack:

17–21. These brother and sister puppies stick together:

22. This puppy has discovered the joys of the ball pit:

There is no turning back now.

23. Here's a puppy dreaming about tacos and tennis balls!

24. Look at this majestic baby corgi. Just look. Look closer.

25. Now look into the eyes of this small husky puppy. You are about to be hypnotized.


26–34. These puppies didn't hear what you just said.

35. But this puppy is pretty sure she just heard you say you want to adopt her:

Is it time to bring a new puppy friend into your life? If you're ready to give a pet some love, take #thepetstep and search for a new companion here.

Because Pets Add Life.