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12 Families More Dysfunctional Than Yours

OK, so your family is embarrassing, but at least they aren't this bad. Check out THE worst mom of all time in Petals on the Wind, premiering on Lifetime, May 26 at 9/8c.

1. This overlord son who mercilessly keeps his peasant mother in check:

2. This mom who takes happy hour too far every time:

3. This mom and dad duo who know how to boogie:

4. The parents of this child who celebrated his first day of preschool a little too hard:

5. This mom who was CLEARLY out of line... about something, maybe:

6. This dad who thinks learning things the hard way is the only way:

7. This mom who condones crime:

8. This mom who thinks danger is a game:

9. This mom who never parties without her baby:

10. This dad who doesn't care what you think about his hygiene:

11. These dog parents who are raising their human son the best way they know how:

12. And this terrifying "lamb" who made sure her sister lost all of her friends that Halloween: