24 Adorably Geeky Wedding Invitations

    The Force is strong with these weddings.

    1. Super Mario Bros.

    2. Star Wars

    3. Star Wars

    4. Scott Pilgrim

    5. Pac Man

    6. Doctor Who

    7. Harry Potter

    8. Superman

    9. Game of Thrones

    10. The Legend of Zelda

    11. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    12. Zombie Theme

    13. Space Invaders

    14. Super Mario Bros.

    15. '60 Comic Book Cover

    16. Nintendo

    17. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

    18. 8-Bit Video Game Style

    19. Memes! So Many Memes!

    20. Inception

    21. Netscape

    22. Wii

    23. Futurama

    24. Doctor Who