Death Grips Gave Their Next Album Away Before Their Label Ever Heard It

    And to make matters worse, the cover art is an erect penis with the title scrawled on it with Sharpie. Has anyone wanted to get dropped or sued more than these dudes?

    Rap-rock crew Death Grips gave away their next album, NO LOVE DEEP WEB, on their website today before they ever delivered it to their label, Epic/Columbia. According to the band's Twitter, the label wouldn't confirm a release date until sometime next year, so they will "be hearing the album for the first time with you." It's a bold move, especially since the album artwork is a photo of someone in the band's erect penis with the title drawn on it with black marker. If you really insist on seeing it, you can check out the cover on Pitchfork.

    Unsurprisingly, Epic shut down the band's website earlier today. In the meantime, you can download the album from this link, or stream it on Soundcloud below.

    Also, here's the video for "I've Seen Footage," the single from the band's album The Money Store, which came out earlier this year. It's a great workout jam, FYI.

    View this video on YouTube