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18 Things That Might Be Hiding Under Pharrell's Hat

We're not saying it's not a nice hat... we're just saying that it's full of secrets.

1. That VHS tape you're still getting late charges for.

2. Anna Kendrick's "Cups" song cup.

3. Such doge.

4. The same hat. Just tinier.

5. A squirrel.

6. This dancing baby.

7. LL Cool J's hat.

8. A forest fire!

9. Justin Bieber's yellow Lamborghini.

10. The same tiny hat. But even tinier than that hat. And definitely tinier than that original, normal-sized hat.

11. His secret love of retro gaming.

12. The Flying Spaghetti Monster. R'amen!

13. Bitcoins.

14. 8-bit Carlton.

15. The same hat but WAY sillier.

16. A stack of pancakes.

17. The answer to "what time is it?"

18. And his performance hat.

Original image courtesy of Kevin Mazur / WireImage / Getty Images