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16 New Artists To Listen To If You Love This Year's GRAMMY Nominees

2013 was a great year for music. But if you like what you're hearing now, just wait for what 2014 has in store. Or instead of waiting, check out the 16 new musicians you're sure to love if you're into this year's GRAMMY nominees, brought to you by Pepsi.

1. If you're into dreamy vocals and minimalist electronica...

2. If you're into powerful pop vocals with a pop of country...

3. If you're into fast wordplay coated in controversy...

4. If you're into old-school, smooth vocals set to a new-age beat...

5. If you're into everything indie and your heart pangs for the days of glam rock...

6. If you're into catchy beats and the purest of pop...

7. If you're into guys with a vintage R&B vibe who can also rock hats...

8. If you're into next-level fusions of hip-hop and EDM...

9. If you're into the freshest faces in country...

10. If you're into soulful serenades and electronic tempos...

11. If you're into the classics but can appreciate a current twist...

12. If you're into raspy pop-rock and chicks with attitude for days...

13. If you're into southern rock and heavy instrumentation...

14. If you're into sassy lyrics set to acoustic melodies...

15. If you're into the Chicago rap scene and smooth R&B beats...

16. If you're into neo-soul and feel like you were born in the wrong decade...