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Paul Solomon Weighs in On Political Rhetoric and the Arizona Shooting

A gunman went on a rampage in Arizona on Saturday, critically injuring Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and killing six people, including a federal judge and a 9-year-old girl. The liberal media and bloggers are blaming the angry political rhetoric of the Tea Party and other conservatives, including media personalities like Glenn Beck. But much of the blame on the Internet, on sites such as Facebook and Twitter, seems to be pointing to Sarah Palin. Palin took down a page of her webite that showed Giffords' district in the crosshairs of a gun. She also apologized. But it was too late for many in the liberal media, who are using Palin as an example of all that is wrong in politics. Palin now must go into spin control.

Paul Solomon 13 years ago

Terrorism for dummies: Times Square bomber can't blow up a balloon.

The nut case who drove his SUV into Times Square with the intent of blowing it up was so inept, it looks like Obama got lucky again. The infamous Christmas Day "Underwear Bomber" also was a dramatic failure in his attempt at terrorism. If both of these inept terrorists had better training, all hell would have broken out. Republicans say Obama has been lucky in his policies to fight terrorism. His supporters point out that Obama has been effective in dismantling these terrorist organizations, leaving them with a bunch of "lone wolves," mental cases who work alone and are hard to keep track of, but incapable of doing any major damage. It would seem that anything of the magnitude of 9/11 would now be impossible. But if Iran gets nukes, all bets are off.

Paul Solomon 13 years ago

Dr. Joseph Biederman Plays God With ADHD Meds

Harvard child psychiatrist Joseph Biederman has been advocating powerful medication for mental illnesses such as ADHD and bipolar disorder for decades. His methods are now coming under scrutiny.

Paul Solomon 14 years ago

CIA Assassination Squads? It Sounds Like The Movies

CIA Director Leon Panetta told Congress that he has canceled a top-secret CIA program that could have created hit squads to kill senior al-Qaeda operatives. The idea of CIA assassination teams evokes movie-style images.

Paul Solomon 14 years ago

What Does Obama Have In Common With Joe Camel?

In June, President Obama signed America's strongest anti-smoking bill ever and praised it for providing critically needed protections for kids. Since then he's had to defend his own battle with nicotine addiction.

Paul Solomon 14 years ago

Botox and Steroids - Rachel Weisz Chimes In

Actress Rachel Weisz wants Botox banned for actors like "steroids are for sportsmen." She tells the UK edition of Harper's Bazaar: "Acting is all about expression; why would you want to iron out a frown?"

Paul Solomon 14 years ago