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12 Indisputable Ways Your Friends Are Your Family

There through thick and thin, your friends are the second family you actually got to choose. Celebrate them and every #PatronWorthy moment this holiday.

1. They're always "there" to support you.

2. They always know how to cheer you up when you're sick.

3. They're there to help you out when you need them.

4. They make sacrifices for you no one else will.

5. They're there with you through thick and thin.

6. They'll do anything for you.

7. They back up even your craziest ideas.

8. And they will love you unconditionally, no matter what you do.

9. They know some of your darkest secrets but would never tell a soul.

10. And always know just the perfect way to cheer you up.

11. They always know how to lighten up the mood.

12. They always know exactly what you are trying to say.

This is why your friends make the best family — celebrate every #PatronWorthy moment together this holiday.