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19 Ways To Smile Like A Happy, Happy Baby

So much joy in such a little package. Smiles are guaranteed after seeing these happy faces. Click here to see how Pampers celebrates all the ways babies Love, Sleep & Play.

1. Put on a grin above your chin:

2. Take a cheerful chase:

3. Go upside down and turn that frown around:

4. Smile on the swings:

5. Get playful with some pages:

6. Go for a silly splash:

7. Hear a joyful joke:

8. Give yourself a merry mohawk:

9. Giggle like a goofball:

10. Sing to the sky:

11. Let the light make your smile bright:

12. Crack up with some cards:

13. Get face-to-face with some funnies:

14. Have some ha-has with your papa:

15. Show your delight before night:

16. Let your heart skip on a ship:

17. Though you may be the only one who thinks it's fun:

18. Just laugh until it's off the graph:

19. Because a little smile can go for a long while.

Inspired by the miles of smiles when babies Love, Sleep & Play:

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