This Telenovela Hunk Will Get You All Hot And Bothered

    Some love is just too strong to be forgotten.

    If you grew up watching telenovelas, you definitely remember Fernando Colunga.

    He's played the love interest in every single telenovela for the past three decades.

    Which is no surprise because he definitely is the eighth wonder of the world. 💦

    Your mom always wanted to marry him.

    And the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    Even Satan herself (Soraya) couldn't resist getting a taste of the Colunga beefcake.

    Can ya really blame her though? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    He's ignited our thirst with so many 🔥 moments, and for that, we are eternally grateful.

    Like when he made a very ~wet~ phone call.

    Or showed us exactly how he got a body that bangin'.

    How about that time he wore an itty bitty blue speedo?

    Or when he showed us what his "O" face probably looks like.

    His hair was always on point.

    And his face was just...well, too beautiful to look at.

    Even his tears could quench your thirst.

    Are you getting steamy flashbacks yet?

    He was the OG daddy and is still looking better than ever today. 😍

    Never change, Fernando. ❤️