19 Times April Ludgate Was Iconic AF

    "I like to do nothing with no one."

    1. When she put strangers in their place...

    2. ...and Jerry in his:

    3. When she didn't give AF about meeting your expectations:

    4. When only she knew the true definition of a good time:

    5. When she followed her gut:

    6. When she gave some quick, valuable advice...

    7. ...even when she didn't bother to listen:

    8. When she looked on the bright side:

    9. When she actually wanted to bond with someone...

    10. ...and when she couldn't stand to:

    11. When she trolled in the most professional way possible:

    12. When she knew her place in life:

    13. When she knew just how magical dogs can be:

    14. When she wanted the best for everybody else:

    15. When she just wanted the fights to be juicy:

    16. When she just wanted a quiet night in:

    17. When she had deadly visions:

    18. When she 💩 on wine and the people who love it:

    19. And finally, when she didn't even have to say anything at all: