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12 Most Ridiculous Instructions

It's not your fault. Sometimes even the simplest directions set you up to fail. Watch AMC's new show, Owner's Manual, on August 15th at 10 p.m. to watch the battle between a guy who needs instructions, and another who wings it.

1. You're on your own, buddy.

2. The idea that anyone has to rely on hand motions for an emergency stop is not cool.

3. How will you ever learn the new jammin dance?

4. Make sure to chill before serving.

5. Yea, do that.

6. According to this sign, you can throw glass, paper, and crockery into the middle of the ocean.

7. Try to keep yo hands to yoself.

8. When participating in an emergency exit on a plane, remember to leave your bags.

9. Thanks for the info.

10. There should be an are-you-qualified-to-be-a-parent test.

11. Yes, be suspicious of all inanimate objects. It will get you, just like your mother told you it would.

12. This will only end in tears.