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15 Reasons Camping Is Actually The Best Time To Cook

The woods are just s'more fun. If you can’t get out to the wilderness, at least you can head to Outback Steakhouse for the taste of real Oak Wood-Fire Grilled steak.

1. Your good cooking doesn't just smell up your apartment — it smells up the whole world.

2. In the wilderness, no one cares about portion control...

3. ...or expects you to stay clean.

4. There's no pretentious guy saying, "Excuse me, you're using the wrong spork."

5. "Campfire" is actually a flavor that people can pay real money for, but you can have it for free.

6. With a campfire, you can actually see the popcorn pop.

Especially when you make it the old-fashioned way.

7. And no matter how simple your meal is, you get points just because you made it OUTSIDE.

8. You also get to eat stuff you don't normally eat, like tin foil dinners.

9. You can make kebobs, and everything tastes better in kebob form.

They're like delicious totem poles.

10. And it's continually amazing how much food you can fit on a grill.

11. And it's totally legit to drink wine out of a cup.

12. Since you can't wander into the kitchen for a midnight snack, you develop a whole new appreciation for breakfast.

13. Being forced to use all your leftovers (because bears) can bring out your inner gourmet chef.

14. And at night, you get to watch burnt marshmallow lovers and unburnt marshmallow lovers set aside their differences...

15. everyone can relax and eat their s'mores in peace.

It may be too cold to camp, but you can always head to Outback Steakhouse for a taste of the wilderness with a juicy Oak Wood-Fire Grilled steak.