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15 GIFs That Sum Up Your Freshman Year Of College

You're basically an adult now. Old Spice knows that it's awesome (even though your mom may disagree).

1. Buying stuff for your dorm:

2. Meeting your new best friend:

3. Your "randomly assigned" creeper roommate:

4. Deciding on your major:

5. Communal bathrooms:

6. Having a vending machine down the hall:

7. The all-you-can-eat cafeteria:

8. ...and the inevitable result of all that deliciousness:

9. Lots and lots of calls come from home:

10. Your relationship with coffee:

11. Your attempt at actual relationships:

12. Weekends:

13. Extracurricular activities:

14. Midterms, finals, and basically anything in between:

15. And finding out that you actually passed your classes:

It's an awesome time. And even more manly things await!

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