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The 11 Most Irritating Types Of People On Instagram

We all want to know how the other half lives, though there's such a thing as too much information. Think you've got a shot that will make people shout "O Snap"? Oasis #OSnap wants to see your best shot at a cliche'd Instagram snap - go for it!

1. The Foodie

...a photo can't show you how it tastes, though.

2. Mr. Sausage Legs

If you really want to impress us, try something like this:

3. The Duck Face Diva

Go on, send her this.

4. The Shirtless Wonder

What happened to his shirts? Our theory:

5. The Dog Parent

Newsflash: that dog is NOT a toddler.

Nor is he a furry little person.

He's a dog who's unimpressed with you.

6. The Power Couple

'Look at us, we're super loved up!'

Meanwhile, the rest of Earth...

7. The Amateur Artist

Now THIS is art!

8. The Rich Kid

Look at the world caring so hard!

9. The Blinger

It all adds up to:

10. The Trainer Maniac

You don't win friends with shoes, dude.

11. The Life Coach

Hey - we're happy as we are!

Feeling inspired? Try your hand at a groan-inducing snap with O Snap from Oasis and you could win big - do your worst!

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