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17 Things New Yorkers Ain't Got Time For

New Yorkers are constantly rushing around the city. Finding the time to clean up everyday messes in a pinch is tough. Let Bounty and Dawn clean up whatever messes the city dishes out, so you have more time to hurry to your next task. #NYTough.

1. Getting stuck behind someone who doesn't know how to properly swipe a MetroCard.

2. Having to go to the post office to pick up a package because you weren't home to receive it.

3. Having to ride up in an elevator with someone who's only going to the second floor.

4. Seeing this sign just after telling your waiter your order:

5. Having to locate an actual mailbox.

6. Someone chaining their bike to your bike.

7. Roommates who call and text all day to complain about being locked out.

8. Cooking, in any way:

9. When a train that's supposed to be local inexplicably turns into an express.

10. Getting your heel stuck in one of these:

11. Street closings due to parades.

12. Taxi lines.

13. Eating accidents:

14. Showing relatives around.

15. Running into someone after not seeing them for a while and having to stop and get them "up to date."

16. When there's only one ATM that works in the entire bank.

17. Or stepping in something like this:

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