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11 Things People Didn't Have To Think About 20 Years Ago

To torrent or not to torrent. Get peace of mind for all modern security concerns with Norton.

1. Did you clear your cache before loaning your mom your laptop?

2. If you don't torrent, are you a square?

3. Do too many people know your mother's maiden name?

4. Did you accidentally share that status with your restricted profile group?

5. Your mom left you a four-minute-long voicemail — is someone hurt?

6. Wait... did your phone just ring? Or buzz? Or beep?

7. Are you over your data this month?

8. Is your taxi app working?

9. Does your GPS work without Wi-Fi?

10. Should you have bitcoin?

11. How many cat photos is TOO many cat photos, you know?

Is there a creepy, digital hand in my pocket stealing my information?

The READY Active Jeans and Work-It Blazer protected by Norton use RFID blocking materials to stop digital pickpockets from scanning your pockets.