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In Love, There Are No ‘Shades Of Grey’

As long experts weigh in on the accuracy of ‘American Sniper’ and ‘Selma,’ why not subject this blockbuster to the same scrutiny?

NorCalCS 9 years ago

Can Better Health Be Bought?

‘Subsidies for charitable contributions not only increase how much we give, they also improve our mental and physical well-being.’ Really?

NorCalCS 9 years ago

Defeating The Demon Of Teen Suicide

Too often the more spiritually oriented strategies that might ultimately have the greatest impact are left off the public agenda.

NorCalCS 9 years ago

The Universal Desire For Universal Health

A genuine aspiration for a more spiritual perspective on life is just the ticket for gaining and maintaining sound minds and bodies.

NorCalCS 9 years ago

Confronting The Terror Of Failing Health

There’s a lesson to be learned from the attack on Charlie Hebdo about the importance of standing up to evil in all its forms.

NorCalCS 9 years ago

Are Brain Training Games Worth The Investment?

The absence of convincing evidence makes one wonder if there might be other, if less entertaining, means of reversing mental decline.

NorCalCS 9 years ago

What Christmas Means For Our Health

Even if you’re not religious, it’s hard to deny the impact Christ’s example of love continues to have on our mental and physical well being.

NorCalCS 9 years ago

The Promise And Potential Of Compassion

Compassion is more than a desire to alleviate, but a deep-seated trust in the Divine’s ability to eliminate disease of all types.

NorCalCS 9 years ago

Does Being Spiritual And Religious Make You Uncool?

Maybe not, especially when you consider that the moral uplift that comes from regular study of scriptures often leads to better health.

NorCalCS 9 years ago

A Little Humility Can Lead To A Lot Of Health

‘None of us in medicine have the answers we tell you we have, because the universe of what we don’t know dwarfs that of what we do.’

NorCalCS 9 years ago

Are You Identifying Yourself As A Disease?

Despite our best efforts to distance ourselves from this or that condition, there are powerful forces pushing us to do the opposite.

NorCalCS 9 years ago