This Movie Aims To Change Unrealistic Size Standards In The Media

    Straight/Curve advocates for more size diversity in the fashion industry.

    Say hello to Jenny McQuaile, Franses Simonovich, and Jess Lewis.

    They're currently in the process of filming Straight/Curve, a documentary about diversity and inclusivity in the modeling world.

    Through interviews with models, photographers, writers, and stylists, Straight/Curve hopes to advocate for more realistic representations of women in mainstream media.

    Interviewees include models Denise Bidot and Sabina Karlsson, model and stylist Felicity Hayward, designer and model Georgia Pratt, and photographer Antoine Verglas.

    "My background is in journalism," McQuaile, the film's director, tells BuzzFeed Life. "For years I wrote about [only] skinny women 'looking sexy' at the behest of my male editors."

    "I have personally suffered from a negative body image," says McQuaile. "It took me until I was 30 to feel [body confident] and I don't want any other girl or woman to feel that."

    "We need to stop pitting women against each other, we need to stop talking about plus-size 'promoting obesity,' and we need to stop accepting designer's excuses of why they don't make plus-size samples," she says. "We need to demand answers."

    Once Straight/Curve is completed, McQuaile and her team hope it will be used as an educational tool. They're already working with both governmental and non-governmental organizations to make sure that happens.

    But this all relies on adequate funds, which McQuaile is raising through Kickstarter. "I think people see the big names we have attached to the documentary... and think we will have no problem getting funded," McQuaile says, "but this is not true."

    If enough money is raised, Straight/Curve should be completed by autumn 2016. You can watch the entire trailer here.