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These 9 Women Are Wearing Exactly What They've Been Told Not To And It's Totally Awesome

"This is me inspiring women all over the world to love themselves as they are, because YOU ARE ENOUGH."

The clothing company SmartGlamour has just released an inspiring campaign called #ImFlattered, featuring nine women showcasing their "flaws."

The campaign shows women reclaiming remarks others have made about their bodies, specifically in relation to what clothing would be most "flattering" on them.

As Dunn points out, "flattering" is a loaded word.

Like a boss, Dunn made each model a piece of clothing to best showcase their "flaws."

"I have a long scar on my back from scoliosis surgery," Liz Richards, who took part in the campaign, tells BuzzFeed Life. "Once at the gym a woman told me I should put a shirt on (I was in a sports bra) because 'Nobody wants to look at that.'"

"I'm a 55-year-old woman in a business (film) that puts a premium on young men and skinny women," says model Mara Lesemann. "It's been years since I felt as strong and beautiful as I did at [this] shoot."

"Put the 'girls' away," the comment Mikaela Lynn Johnson chose to highlight, is particularly telling of how women's bodies and wardrobes are disproportionately policed.

"This is me inspiring my young nieces, my young cousins, and women all over the world to love themselves as they are, because YOU ARE ENOUGH," says Fearlessly Just Me blogger Marcy Cruz.

"The energy and vibe at the photo shoot was incredible. Every woman there was empowering one another," Linni Rutledge tells BuzzFeed Life. "That's how it should be every day in every situation."

Amen! Keep on rocking it, ladies.