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12 Happy-Sad Moments Every Mom Experiences

Moms, we know how sappy you are. But don't worry, Nine West has a shoe for the first day of kindergarten to the first day of college.

1. When your child can't sleep through the night unless they're cuddling with you.

2. When they get attached to a close family friend or babysitter.

3. When they start to finish all the food on their plate.

4. When they try to put makeup on for the first time.

5. When they decide that they want to dress themselves.

6. When they learn to ride a bike.

7. When they go away to summer camp.

8. When they get ready for school dances.

9. When they start to drive.

10. When they go to college.

11. When your beautiful child gets their heart broken for the first time.

12. When they get married.

But remember, they'll always be just as attached to you as when they left for their first day of kindergarten!