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12 Thoughts Everyone Has While Bra Shopping

You know what they say: "A good bra makes for a good life." But who wants good when you can get great with the Nike Pro Bra.

1. "How do guys ever learn to undo these things?"

2. "Could I pull off leopard print?"

3. "What's inside of here? Is it edible?"

4. "Does it make them look too pointy?"

5. "How am I ever going to wash this delicate lace?"

6. "Why are there four people helping me? Do they think I have nice boobs?"

7. "This one looks HAWT, but I can't breathe."

8. "Should I go sexy/impractical or purely functional?"

9. "If I go functional, will I lose my sex appeal?"

10. "I FOUND THE ONE THAT FITS. Do I buy one in every color?"

11. "Hold up, I'm what size?"


Luckily, you won't have to worry about shopping for sports bras with the Nike Pro Bra Collection.