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12 Signs You're "That Guy" At The Gym

When it comes to working out, you know what you're doing. And Nike Pro Training appreciates you for it.

1. Check in with a selfie, or it didn’t happen.

2. Your Breakfast = Pre-Workout.

3. You time your circuits down to the second.

4. You're always in competition with the guy next to you.

You're that "Do You Even Lift" Guy.

5. You use all of the equipment available.

6. You load up the bar like it's nothing.

7. You're not afraid to leave the machines behind.

8. High intensity is your only intensity.

9. You outperform your deodorant every time.

10. Your technique is always on point.

11. Your day isn't complete without some kind of workout.

You're that Train Anywhere Guy.

12. You look good doing what you're doing.