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13 Snow Day Activities That Should Be Pro Sports

Because everything should be a competition, always. Make sure you're ready for snow day with Nike's cold-weather gear.

1. Snow Angel-ing

2. Ice Sliding

Be safe and wear a helmet. Unless you are this dog!

3. Snowman Building

4. Belly Sledding

5. Throwing Snow at Cats

6. Car Digging

7. Snow Drawing

8. Snow Birthing

9. Snow Shoveling

10. Snowball Rolling

11. Paw Shoveling

12. Snow Denying

Contestants pretend it's summer and stay outdoors for as long as possible. The last one standing is the winner! It's not for everyone.

13. Snow Swimming

There's a right way and a wrong way to do this, and we don't need to tell you which is which.

If you're serious about winter, gear up and get outside with Nike's cold-weather gear, and turn a snow day into the sporting event it deserves to be.

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