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    Pinterest Now Lets You Customize Your Gender

    Pin as you are.

    Starting today, you'll see something ~new and different~ on Pinterest.

    . . . custom gender options!

    Profile gender is no longer restricted to "male" or "female." Users can now input a custom option in the gender field.

    To make this change, go to your profile page > Account Settings and select "Custom" in the Gender category.

    Pinterest spokeswoman Jamie Favazza told BuzzFeed Life, "Internally, we've always had an inclusive culture, and we're constantly working on ways to bring that through in the product."

    The popularity of pins like this Mrs. and Mrs. Cake Topper, boards like Progress and Lesbian Wedding Ideas, and topics like "drag makeup" goes to show that promoting inclusivity on Pinterest will only benefit its community.

    But Pinterest is a little late to the game. Facebook announced 56 custom gender options in February 2014.

    Google+, meanwhile, has infinite gender options, as of December 2014.

    Twitter does not ask users to specify their gender publicly.

    Anyhow, good job, Pinterest. 👏