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    How To Transfer All Of Your Playlists To Spotify

    We'll miss you Rdio :'(

    Sad news for Rdio fans: the streaming service filed for bankruptcy and its assets are being sold to Pandora.

    I love Rdio more than anyone but, today, realized that it's finally time to switch to Spotify.

    There's a really easy way to transfer your Rdio playlists to Spotify. It's a website called Soundiiz.

    First, click "Start Converting," then log in to your Spotify and Rdio accounts from the Soundiz page.

    Then drag and drop the desired Rdio playlist to the Spotify hub.

    After a few minutes, Soundiiz will load all compatible songs to your Spotify account.

    Great success!

    If Soundiiz isn't loading, you may have better luck with Playlist Exchange.

    Want to import *everything*? Follow the instructions for Spotify's Rdio importer.

    If you're willing to go through some technical loopholes, this script will match the artists you follow on Rdio, on Spotify. Another will export your Rdio collection to Spotify's saved tracks.

    You can also export playlists to a CSV file with this Chrome extension.

    Currently, there's no way to sync your Favorites or Downloads from Rdio.

    Goodbye, Rdio. I'll miss you. 😢

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