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    17 Ways To Collect Your Guests' Wedding Photos


    1. This fun generator will make one for you.

    2. Or get inspired by one of these unique hashtag ideas.

    3. The Elli Blog has a black-and-white editable PDF available for download.

    4. If you enter your hashtag in this Instagram wedding sign generator, this site will make it for you.

    5. Botanical Paper Works has a printable that *looks* like chalkboard.

    6. And DIY-ers can try their hand at turning one of the above templates (or any template) into a fancy chalkboard sign.

    7. Using this IFTTT recipe, you can automatically save photos you're tagged in on Facebook.

    8. Or send all hashtagged wedding Instagrams to your Dropbox account.

    9. You could also post hashtagged photos to a Facebook photo album for all guests to enjoy.

    10. Have your guests download Wedding Party (Free, iOS and Android) to privately upload images.

    You can also enter in your wedding details and message your guests through the app. Wedding Party has a lot of fun photo tools like photo strip layouts and a GIF creator.

    11. WedPics (Free, iOS and Android) is another app that offers unlimited photo uploads by guests to a private account.

    12. Eversnap captures everything into a private album (including Twitter, Instagram, and photos taken from a digital camera), but it's more expensive.

    13. Another alternative is creating a private Flickr group. The app is free (iOS and Android) and offers 1000GB of free storage.

    14. Artifact Uprising creates beautiful square-shaped books from Instagram photos (starts at $18).

    15. Too many photos to handle? Relive your wedding day all year long with Printstagram's Calendar ($40 for 365 prints).

    16. If you've found the *one*, immortalize it on canvas through CanvasPop (starts at $40).

    17. You could also create an Instagram wall inspired by A Beautiful Mess using prints from PostalPix.

    Now sit back, relax, and let ~loose~.