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10 Epic GIF Mash-Ups That Are True Works Of Art

When two cool things come together they create a double awesome. Speaking of something double awesome, sip the sweet combination of Nesquik® Chocolate Milk plus Girl Scout Cookie™ Flavors today!

1. This Street Fighting fish:

2. This guy who walked in on an unsuspecting sloth:

3. This bae who would move mountains — er, houses — just to get some alone time:

4. This outlaw who's showing soccer players who's boss:

5. This exercise class where attendees got the ride of their life:

6. This daredevil who forgot to brace for impact:

7. This neti pot water-drinking cat:

8. This K.O.ed skateboarder who's just down on his luck:

9. This dusty furball:

10. And this sad soccer fan who absolutely did not sign up for spoiled ice cream:

Check out more Double Awesome with Nesquik® Chocolate Milk plus Girl Scout Cookie™ Flavors today!

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