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Beck & Sarah Palin

Over the last few days, people have been saying throwing Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin's names around a lot. Some of the more hurried writings end up leaving Glenn's first name off, confusing me and I'd imagine a large amount of indie rock fans who also happen to follow the news. This leads to much speculation of what (singer, songwriter) Beck's next album might sound like.

Ned Hepburn 13 years ago

The McNuggetini Girls Get A Show

Hey, Remember The 00's? Remember all of one whole year ago when the McNuggetini - a bizarre concoction of McDonald's chocolate shake, vodka, and a nugget garnish - started popping up on The Today Show, The Huffington Post, and the New York Times Style section. Well it seems Alie and Georgia have gone one step further and landed themselves a plum gig with a brand new webshow where they make more insane drinks. Tada. The show premieres Monday, September 13th at Food Network's new food hub 'Food2'. It's clearly the right fit for both Alie and Georgia and I can't wait to see what they come up with next.

Ned Hepburn 13 years ago