Here's How To Turn Soggy McDonald's Fries Into A Delicious Waffle

    Make every day FRYday.

    French fries: The most ~glorious~ of foods.

    Waffles: Also pretty damn glorious.

    So we thought: What if waffles and fries made a baby?

    Wouldn't that be the best thing ever?

    Here's what you need to make one:

    Crack the egg into a large bowl, and lightly beat it.

    Dump the fries into the bowl.

    Mix those fries up with the egg, tearing the fries up a little as you go.

    Add your seasonings.

    Heat up your waffle iron, and give both the top and bottom a decent dousing of anti-stick spray.

    Pile your fries into an even layer.

    Close the waffle maker, and let 'er cook for 5-ish minutes.

    Dive into your beautiful new french fry waffle.

    Stacks on stacks on stacks.