13 Easy Bedroom Upgrades To Change The Way You Sleep

    You don't even have to do all thirteen — just pick one or two that you like best.

    1. Make sure you have the pillow that's best for the way you like to sleep.

    2. Play background white noise, especially if you live in a dorm or apartment complex.

    3. Clear out the clutter on your dresser.

    4. Swap out your white-light halogen, fluorescent, or LED light bulbs for bulbs that give off a warmer-tone light.

    5. Seriously, get the hell away from blue light, including the light from your screens.

    6. And then flood your room with light when you wake up.

    7. Make your room smell like something — really, anything — that makes you happy.

    8. Move your work-at-home space from your bedroom to a coffee shop or your kitchen table.

    9. Move your alarm clock out of sight.

    10. Add or remove blankets until you feel juuust right, and adjust your thermostat.

    11. Vacuum your floor and wash your sheets and pillows.

    12. Make a cozy place ~outside~ of your bed (and ideally, outside of your bedroom) to retreat to when you have trouble sleeping.

    13. Make up your bed every single morning.