28 Photos That Perfectly Capture Lollapalooza

    No mud could cramp this style.

    1. This girl who looks totally perfect in spite of the sweltering heat:

    2. These daisy-loving BFFs:

    3. These gorgeous macramé twins:

    4. These glamorous summer goths:

    5. This girl who's absolutely mastered the "handkerchief as a top" look:

    6. This adorably matchy-matchy friend crew:

    7. These stylish beer-enthusiasts:

    8. This chill bear:

    9. This tatted-up tough guy:

    10. This chest-baring kimono bro:

    11. This well-accessorized, otherworldly trio:

    12. This stylish off-duty guitarist:

    13. This grin-wearing fan:

    14. This casual bohemian:

    15. This grass skirt couple:

    16. These hard-partying sailor dudes:

    17. This fiery pop star disguised as a butterfly:

    18. This belly-chain duo:

    19. This fun gang of land-walking sharks:

    20. This patriotic world-spinner:

    21. This music-obsessed gladiator girl:

    22. This dirty dude:

    23. This cute sun-tanned crew:

    24. This over-all excited girl:

    25. This red-legged man:

    26. This long-lost Cosby son:

    27. This mud-splattered Lolla stan:

    28. These free-spirited mud-lovers: