The Best Of The Internet’s Response To Nicki Minaj’s "Anaconda" Video

    Nicki Minaj dropped her "Anaconda" video at midnight on Wednesday and we, like Drake, may never recover.

    1. The quiet moments after the video ends.

    Got around to watching Nicki Minaj's New Music video...Had me like... Bruh Nicki Minaj O.o

    2. And the tears that were collectively shed.

    3. When we all needed the Ice Bucket Challenge:

    BRUH LMAO RT @TravQue: Nicki Minaj's "Anaconda" video made me do the #ALSIceBucketChallenge

    4. The exact thoughts running through Drake's head.

    5. And when someone actually checked in with Drake's dad to make sure everything was OK.

    6. These important revisions of Drake's album plans:

    7. This remembrance of that time Marina Abramović was the person making everyone cry.

    8. The Simpsons SparkNotes of what happened.

    9. Superstar rap producer Hit-Boy's last-ditch effort to get on Nicki's next album:

    10. This back-to-school prep:

    11. And this not-on-the-syllabus "FUN FACT":

    12. Proof that Jimmy had been waiting for this moment his whole life.

    “Anaconda” video is fun, can’t believe this behind-the-scenes footage too

    13. The "Shake It Off" shade-throwing:

    14. This plea for everyone to let greatness be great:

    15. And this Blackstreet-assisted wish that Nicki would never leave:

    16. The asspirations.

    *watches anaconda video* *does 100 squats*

    17. The body-positive LIFE: