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11 Photos These People Wish Their Friends Hadn’t Shared

"Don't worry," they said. "I won't post this," they said. Next time your friends get an unflattering photo of you, tell them that you'd rather they #keepitpersonal.

1. This guy knew that zit was going to get its own tag the second he saw the flash:

2. The girl on the left doesn't think it's possible that this was the best photo of the bunch:

3. This couple was a little too eager to show off their love... and their dirty kitchen:

4. This guy was just trying to appropriately thank Santa for coming to his Christmas party:

5. This Cat in the Hat just had some innocent gas to pass, and it was definitely quite crass:

6. This guy who did not look "Kentucky-Derby elegant" at the racetrack:

7. This girl wishes the photographer would've paid more attention to the newlyweds:

8. These women wish their dance moves had gone undocumented:

9. This girl wishes this wasn't the first picture her mom saw of her boyfriend:

10. This guy was just trying to honor the miracle of life:

11. And this guy was just trying to introduce himself: