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The Guys From "Guy Code" Answer Questions About The Female Body

Slightly NSFW, entirely LOL. Catch Guy Code Wednesdays at 11/10c on MTV2!

Introducing the Guy Code crew! We just have a couple of questions for you...

1. "What do cramps feel like?"

2. "What is the trickiest part of the leg to shave?"

3. "Here's a 3D model of the reproductive system:"

4. "If you had a vagina, what would you name it?"

5. "What is this the reproductive system of?"

That logic weirdly works out... This is a bird.

Actually, it's a rabbit. But maybe it's also sad?

So close! If only da Vinci were a woman.

6. "If boobs could talk, what would they say?"

7. "What do you think the female orgasm feels like?"

8. "What is the most famous queef in history? This is an actual question."

9. "Identify the object."

10. "If you woke up as a woman tomorrow, what’s the first thing you would do?"

11. "What does the 'G' in 'G-spot' stand for?"

Charlemagne: Great.

Chris: Dr. G, man who discovered/named it.

Desus: Gravy.

Matteo: Gumption.

Mero: Gynekologicul [sic].

12. "We're calling this one the 2015 Guy Code Bra Race."

They're here to answer all your questions. Catch Guy Code Wednesdays at 11/10c on MTV2!

View this video on YouTube

(All images courtesy of Buzzfeed.)