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27 Historical Women Who DGAF About Breastfeeding In Public

So, like, does this mean that "nursing corsets" were a thing?

1. This suited-up Victorian mama.

2. This mother sharing her tea break with her tot.

3. This French mom rocking her own postcard.

4. This incredibly coiffed Tibetan mama.

5. This mama, who freed the nipple before Instagram was ever invented.

6. This stunning madonna and child.

7. This doting mama, circa 1948.

8. This roaring 20s mama.

9. This early 20th century mother with a fierce frock.

10. This mother, nurturing life in the face of war.

11. This mother and child taking a casual lunch break.

12. This modest mom.

13. This master of the tandem feed.

14. Even line-drawn babies need to eat.

15. This WWII mama, having a peaceful moment with her babe.

16. This 1770s mother isn't worried about breastmilk stains.

17. This iconic "Migrant Mother" who is able to feed her infant no matter what.

18. This elegant 19th century pair.

19. This royal mama, who didn't let a family portrait sitting get in the way of feeding her youngest.

20. This mom-in-transit, nursing at a bus stop in 1943.

21. This mother who quietly nursed her babe in church.

22. This mother, feeding her babe while NO ONE CARES.

23. This 1970s Sesame Street-er, who wasn't embarrassed by a curious Big Bird.

24. This multitasking mama working her farm in 1913.

25. This Georgian mama pioneering the side-lie.

26. This glamorous duo.

27. This mama who might be slightly overwhelmed.