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    Can Apple Change The Face Of Postpartum Depression?

    Apple's ResearchKit is putting genetic studies in the palms of our hands.

    As many as 1 in 8 mothers will experience postpartum depression, psychosis, or a related maternal mental illness, and Apple has teamed up with UNC Chapel Hill, Postpartum Progress, and the National Institute of Mental Health to do something about it.

    They're putting the power of prevention directly into mom's hands with PPD ACT, an app that allows current and former postpartum depression and psychosis patients to participate in a research study via their iPhones.

    UNC Chapel Hill has a successful history with studies like this. In 2008 they were the first to identify a genetic variant in people with Schizophrenia. This means they know a lot more about the illness now and can develop better treatments.

    To achieve their goal, PPD ACT needs at least one hundred thousand survivors to participate.

    "You wouldn't wish PPD on your worst enemy" Stone told BuzzFeed, "and right now it can take months and sometimes years for women to realize something is wrong. There can be months lost before a mother ever reaches out for help."

    Are you a fellow PPD survivor who wants to protect other women from the same fate? Then CLICK HERE, download the app, and get to swiping.