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15 Monopoly Rules That Aren't Actually Rules

Settled that "Free Parking" debate.

1. House Rule: All taxes and fines are put in a large pot, and if you land on Free Parking, you take the whole pot.

2. House Rule: If you land on an unclaimed property and decide you don't want to buy it, your turn is over.

3. House Rule: After you go bankrupt, all of your properties go to the bank.

4. House Rule: If you land on Go, you collect $400.

5. House Rule: If you're in jail, you can't collect any rent on your properties.

6. House Rule: If you roll a snake eyes, you automatically get $500.

7. House Rule: If there are players on each of three consecutive properties, each player collects $500.

8. House Rule: If you really want to buy a property you landed on, but can't afford it, you can accept a loan from a fellow player and co-own.

9. House Rule: Before the game starts, you put half of all the money in the center of the board. At the count of three, everyone grabs what they can.

10. House Rule: If you're playing with your mom, she always gets out of jail free. Because she's your mom.

11. House Rule: You must make one full rotation around the board before being able to purchase any properties.

12. House Rule: You can start building houses whether or not you own all properties in the category.

13. House Rule: If you land on Chance, you've got a choice — pick a Chance Card, or don't.

14. House Rule: If you land on Go, you can either collect your $200 reward, or forfeit it in exchange for being able to go to any property immediately.

15. House Rule: The Mercy Rule says that you can set a fixed dollar amount to be the goal. When a player achieves that amount, they automatically win.

You guys, We did it! 4 million votes later and BuzzFeed has crowned the winning cities featured in Monopoly Here & Now. Get your copy here!