19 Pieces Of "Sailor Moon" Fan Art Every Sailor Scout Will Love

    Moon Tiara Magic!

    1. These badass agents of justice.

    Art By Babs Tarr

    2. This celestial piece that reminds us of the power of the moon.

    3. Some winsome GIFs that are definitely here to defend.

    Art by Sasha Mutch

    4. We totally get a sense of Usagi's personality with this one.

    5. And this.

    Art by Tiffany Ford

    6. Sailor Moon: She's just like us!

    Art by Gariba

    7. This one lets us know what a Mexican Sailor Moon would be like.

    Art by Nadiezda

    8. Punk Sailor Moon straight chilling.

    Art by Claire Hummel

    9. And with a kick-ass space suit no less.

    10. Don't forget the pretty suited sailor soldiers.

    Art by Joey Chou

    11. Agents of love, justice and courage for sure.

    Art by iamacoyfish

    12. And this really shows her like the princess she is.

    Art by Liz Kresin

    13. Or this one, where she's as noble as any knight.

    14. But it's nice to be reminded that she's just an average girl in spite of it all.

    Art by Lissa Treiman

    15. Just a princess with a healthy appetite.

    16. Fighting evil by moonlight...

    17. ...winning love by daylight.

    18. With her Sailor Scouts to help fight...

    19. ...she is the one named Sailor Moon.