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Meet the World's 1st Human-Robot Hybrid

When he's not controlling his wife's body with his brainwaves (she's also cybernetic), Kevin Warwick's a pretty normal dude.

Matthew Musick 13 years ago

'Over the Edge' - An Oral History of the Best Teenage Rebellion Film Ever

Vice magazine Vice spoke with nearly 20 of the film’s cast and crew to try to piece together the often arduous making of 'Over the Edge,' the frustrations felt upon its initial release, and how the film, all these years later, still manages to influence generation after generation of filmmakers.

Matthew Musick 14 years ago

Poland Or Russia? The Fight Over the Origin of Vodka

Ivar Berglin travels to the front lines of the Vodka/Wodka Wars – and discovers that the tortured history of Russian-Polish relations can be saved in a bottle.

Matthew Musick 14 years ago

Selections from Pablo Escobar's Personal Photographer

Edgar Jimenez, aka El Chino, was a classmate of Pablo Escobar’s in junior high school in Colombia back in the 60s. After a chance reunion in the early 80s, Escobar recruited El Chino to become his personal picture taker, documenting his political campaigns, his private parties, and the various goings-on at Escobar’s outlandish 4,500-acre estate.

Matthew Musick 14 years ago

A Journalist's Look at How Journalists Look at Detroit

After suffering through the nation’s worst and most concentrated examples of racial violence, industrial collapse, serial arson, crack war, and municipal bankruptcy following years of municipal kleptocracy, Detroit is being descended on by a plague of reporters. Here's one writer's take on how journalists are covering Detroit and how they fail.

Matthew Musick 14 years ago

Which Country Produces the Sloppiest Drunks? [with Photos]

Last October, a nice Chinese doctor named Ting-Kai Li retired from his post as director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. It sounds fascinating, but only the sober are interested in reading in depth about scientific discoveries. Testing Dr. Li’s findings in a controlled, real-world environment was the only way we could truly explore the progenitorial dangers of alcohol consumption and warn the global citizenry. It was also a good excuse to get a bunch of foreigners drunk and laugh at them.

Matthew Musick 14 years ago

24 Hours at Europe's Largest Subsidized Theme Park

Euro white trash beats US white trash any day of the week. When the former group holidays, they go to Tropical Islands on the German/Polish border--an indoor holiday resort subsidized by the European Union so poor people can afford to get out of town. This is a tale about 24 hours in this sultry land.

Matthew Musick 14 years ago

The Martha's Vineyard Shark Tournament in Photos

"Last Saturday I was sprayed with shark blood in the name of sportsmanship and science. And money, too. The 23rd annual Martha's Vineyard Shark Tournament brought in 130 boats at $1,500 a piece from all over the east coast. Friday and Saturday they scooted 15 miles off shore to hook the monsters in hopes of attaining alluring prizes like another boat or cash. For the scientists that collect information and the shark's organs and 'nads, the tournament is a field day of data. Only two boats sunk on Friday due to the ten-foot seas, but Saturday was calmer and I documented the glory on shore in sunny Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts."

Matthew Musick 14 years ago

IKEA Catalog from 1965

"My parents like to keep the annual IKEA catalogs – it says it is the most printed book after the bible. Yesterday my mum showed me this…. the IKEA catalog from the year 1965."

Matthew Musick 14 years ago

Beautiful Photos by Miroslav Tichy

Miroslav Tichy's photographs were made using his own cameras built from cardboard and rubber bands. They have an eerie, almost dreamlike quality.

Matthew Musick 14 years ago