Why Britney Spears Is Going To Be The Best Judge Ever

    Here's everything you could possibly need to know about how Britney's been doing as a judge on X-Factor so far. She's basically killing it. Britney's back... again.

    Introducing X-Factorney...

    As you can see, Britney looks amazing, flaw-free, and like a legend.

    This was her Kansas City outfit:

    San Francisco/Oakland:

    Providence, Rhode Island:

    and Greensboro, North Carolina:

    Britney is brutally honest. Here's a sampling of some of the things Judgeney has said to contestants.

    Britney: “I thought you were sassy, sassy, sassy, and extremely entertaining, and I’ve had so many people judge me through the years for what I wear and I say rock it.”

    Britney: “Since we’re in Kansas, I’d rather hear toto sing.”

    Britney: “I know I said no earlier… but I’m gonna say yes.”

    Contestant before the vote: “Britney, I love you. Circus was my life for two years.”

    Britney: “No.”

    Contestant to Britney: “Do u remember your movie Crossroads? Well, I loved it!”

    Britney: “Never heard of it. *laughs*”

    Simon: “Britney, you were in a movie??”

    “You made my day. I felt like I had a connection with you the second you started singing and you really delivered.”

    Britney to married duo onstage: “I think you should wear a wig.” Simon: “Who?” Britney: “…Both.”

    She's basically the anti-Paula Abdul.

    Just listen to her critiques. In this first one she throws shade by saying someone sounds like Alvin & The Chipmunks.

    "Sassy sassy sassy!"

    "I wanna know who let you on stage"

    Britney seems genuinely interested and happy. She's goofy again! We haven't seen this side of Britney in years.

    She's also not a robot anymore.

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    Look at her dance! Cuteney!

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    At Greensboro, North Carolina.

    And yes, she walks off sometimes, but so do all the judges.

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    There are a bunch of contestants who have done tributes for Britney. She didn't like this one.

    She is basically going to kill it. Just watch this commercial.

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    Thanks to Breathe Heavy for a bunch of these clips and info.