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The 25 Cutest Corgi Puppies Currently Online

If you like corgi puppies, then you need this post.

1. Siri

'Grams taken later show that she got unstuck.

2. Foxy Lady

3. Iwok

He's also really into Homeland if that's your thing.

4. Trigger

5. Simba

6. Buster

7. Ruby

8. Ke$ha

9. Kahlua

10. Penny

11. Milo

12. Sir Dudley

13. Geordi

This Halloween, Geordi dressed up as a character from Star Trek.

14. Waffle

15. Bulleit


16. Edison

This is what it looks like when he smiles:

17. King Arthur

18. Stitch

19. Iggy

As you can see, being a model can be quite exhausting.

20. T-Rex

21. Momo

22. Range and Bishop

23. Ruxin

24. Neville Longbottom

25. Franklin