Proof That Harry Styles Is Turning Into Steven Tyler

    I love everything about this.


    "You raaaang?"

    HARRY STYLES (he's in a band called One Direction, I think you saw them on the Today Show) IS... TURNING INTO YOU.


    *Accidentally hangs up *

    *Calls back*

    *Lifts up his tiny baby sunglasses*

    Tell me more... enlighten me.

    I say this as a total term of endearment...

    ... but everyone knows Steven Tyler is the coolest grandma of all time!!!!

    I mean, your gigi could never.

    It started in early 2014...

    ... and now the resemblance is uncanny.

    Harry has become Steven's "Mini Me."

    The former teen turned 62-year-old, has slowly started incorporating elements of Steven Tyler in his daily look.

    He's started wearing a dog as an accessory...

    ... and everyone knows Steven Tyler (and your grandmother) have been rocking dogs for years!

    The exposed breasts, tits swinging in the wind...

    ... and the scarves and floppy hats have made it difficult to tell the two apart.

    I could totally see Steven Tyler (and my grandma) wearing this!

    Luckily, Steven Tyler is fucking rad and the world needs more grandmas like him.

    So, rock that frock!

    Spindle that bun!

    Never learn how to tie your tie!

    *Tips hat*

    See you at Marshalls, bb!