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14 Cocktails With Ultra-Weird Ingredients That You Wouldn't Want To Try

What? It's not like they're making cocktails with human flesh and explosives or something! Oh wait they are… Hmm. If you don't fancy any of these download the app right now.

1. The Cement Mixer

2. The Gunpowder Plot

3. The Sour Toe

4. Liquid Steak

5. Diamond Is Forever Martini

6. The Egg And Bacon

7. The Kim Jong Un Nuclear Bomb

8. Prosciutto and Melon

9. The Pizza Cocktail

10. Oystertini

11. Baby octopus-tini

Bartenders, please note: putting a *thing* in some alcohol and calling it some sort of 'tini' does not a palatable drink make.

Try this at home: Just don't.

12. Grilled Cheese Martini

13. Creme Egg Mojito

14. The World's Most Expensive Cocktail