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14 Reasons Tuna Is The Most Versatile Fish In The Sea

Haters gonna hate. Just brush them off, because you know that tuna's great! Proclaim your love for tuna — the same way you proclaim your love for MIRACLE WHIP Dressing! That's right, you're proud of it.

1. FIRSTLY, tuna can be put in sandwiches...

2. ...and fried into patties!

3. It can be made into steaks...

4. ...and be put in kimchi.

5. Tuna's perfect for pasta casseroles...

6. ...classic salad...

7. ...and even on top of nachos! (That's right. Nachos.)

8. How about tuna pizza?

9. Ever tried tuna on a baked potato?

10. Or a tuna breakfast quiche?!

11. Because it's great spicy...

Super easy to DIY.

12. ...or just plain, a la sushi.

13. It even looks delicious animated.

14. So be proud that you love tuna! That's just how you roll.

That's how MIRACLE WHIP rolls too.

Try some tuna cakes with MIRACLE WHIP. You'll be glad you did.

Note: Not all recipes contain MIRACLE WHIP.