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12 Easy Ways To Become An Urban Gardener

No yard? No problem! Anyone — yes, even an apartment dweller — can become a gardener in a few easy steps. And with any garden, start with the best: Miracle-Gro.

1. Pick a spot for your garden, and check out the light and space.

2. Plan, plan, plan!

3. Pick containers that work for you.

4. Fill those pots with good-quality potting mix or soil.

5. Save space with some cute and colorful hanging baskets.

6. If you can't spread out, go up!

7. If your only space is indoors, an herb garden is perfect!

8. If space and light aren't a problem, try your hand at an urban vegetable garden.

9. If you don't get a ton of sunlight, go with flowers that love shade.

10. Don't forget to water — but not too much!

11. Grab some friends and start a community garden.

12. Enjoy the fruits of your labors.

And for that extra boost for your urban garden, turn to Miracle-Gro.