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31 Things You Missed Out On Last Night

Thinking about staying in tonight? Think again! There's a whole wild, wacky and, weird world out there for you. MiO Energy Liquid Water Enhancer helps keep you going so, you'll never have a case of the FOMOS again.

1. A bike riding crew of skeletons

2. These guys shaking their groove thang

3. These dudes rocking out

4. Tobias from "Arrested Development" with a very womanly body

5. PYT's

6. This magical performance

7. As well as this one too

8. This lady taking an early evening dip in the pool

9. Hanging on sweet cars

10. Doing....whatever this is??

11. Spending quality time with Nelly

12. Seeing this guy's tattoo

13. A fair chance at winning a mustache trophy

14. CONFETTI !!!!!

15. Meeting nice ladies

16. Cruising around on this trick out ride

17. Shining bright like a diamond with Rihanna at da club

18. Winning HELLA tickets

19. Watching this mysterious red thing climb a tree

20. This death defying circus act

21. Rubbing elbows with Zombies

22. This old timey brawl

23. This awesome and unexplainable act of nature

24. Being fab with our nation's finest

25. Making cones look chic

26. This super swanky fireworks display

27. Cool free stuff on the street

28. Bro bonding and turkey basting time

29. The biggest loaf of bread EVER

30. Partying in the streets

31. This dog who celebrated his birthday in a club

....and got some action