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20 Things We Learned From Connecticut's Unique Museums

Carousels, and clocks, and creatures. Oh my! We visited several museums on our MINI NOT NORMAL Road Trip, and here are a few fun facts from four of our favorites in Connecticut.

1. Reverend Joseph Steward's collection of oddities was the Discovery Channel before there was a Discovery Channel.

2. Steward utilized the country's oldest newspaper to build and share his bizarre collection.

3. Narwhals are real.

4. Sawsharks have actual saws for noses.

5. Sperm whales are huge.

6. Carousel horses are masterpieces built by highly skilled wood carvers.

7. Each wooden carousel horse is built using about 27 stacked and carved pieces of wood.

8. There are three different styles of carousel horses.

9. There are also three different stances a carousel horse can take.

10. Jumpers are the only carousel horses that move up and down.

American Clock & Watch Museum

11. There are more than 5,000 clocks and watches to explore inside this awesome museum.

12. Original clock gears were made of wood.

13. Clocks use the same gears as wind-up toys.

14. This braille clock has two number scripts that rotate using the same gears as the clock's two hands.

15. Dickory, Dickory, Dock clocks came after the popular nursery rhyme.

Wild Bill's Nostalgia Center

16. Wild Bill's Nostalgia Center is perhaps the most unique spot in the entire state.

17. This disco ball once spun at Studio 54 in NYC.

18. Wild Bill built the world's largest jack-in-the-box.

19. The jack-in-the-box is powered by a lawnmower engine.

20. Wild Bill's next project is the world's largest and longest walkthrough fun house.

All photos by Joseph Lin / BuzzFeed


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