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12 Things We’d Like Access To At All Times

In a perfect world. Le sigh. So maybe you can’t gorge yourself on a bottomless bucket of ice cream whenever you dang well feel like it. But with SkyDrive, you can access and edit your most important documents and files at a moment’s notice, whenever and from wherever.

1. Mom's home cooking.

2. The entire Internet.

3. All of the bacon.

4. Kittens, kittens, kittens.

5. Oh, and puppies.

6. Spell check IRL.

7. Headphones.

8. An endless supply of ice cream.

9. The mute button.

10. CTRL+Z.


12. Your important documents.

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Oh, and for all of those situations in which a crazy robot smashes your computer, you’ll still have access to your files on SkyDrive from any other computer. Pretty neat. College students get an extra 3GB of storage for a year.